Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How has your summer been? What fun have you been up to? Any new passions or loves?

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the summer months represent fire energy which is a gift that allows us to give and receive warmth. By giving and sharing we build our own fire, open our own flower, and bring more summer sun to the world. It is time to enjoy the fruit from our seeds we have planted; and the visions and plans we have made.

A fun way to activate fire energy is to laugh, for a reason or not, laughing is contiguous. Your flowering may not be as bright or as big as you want, but remember that every flower is different and unique, necessary and perfect for where it is. There will be another summer; in the meanwhile we will have many chances to open, to extend compassion, to forgive.

On a hot summer day, a favorite refreshing treat is __________! Fill in the space and comment bellow…. it’s always interesting to hear about favorite foods. : )

Raw Chocolate Mint Mylk-Shake

3 Cups of Clean Water

1/2 Cup of Hemp Seeds

5-7 Brazil Nuts

3 T Maple Syrup or Local Raw Honey

2-3 Frozen Bananas

Mint leaves, handful

Mint Extract or therapeutic grade essential oil mint

Vanilla Extract or Powder

Handful of Raw Cacao Nibs/Beans

Pinch of Sea Salt

(Optional 1-3 T favorite protein powder and Ice)

Directions: In a high speed blender, blend hemp seeds, brazil nuts, and clean water to make the nut mylk. Any variation or proportion is great. Then add remaining ingredients except cacao nibs until fully blended and creamy. Then for a moment blend in cacao nibs to leave a chocolate chip feel. Cool, creamy, minty, sweet, chocolate goodness!

The Mint leaf plant has many uses and it’s awesome because it’s easy to grow and multiplies like crazy. Use in culinary fun, put in cupboards and drawers to repel ants, grind up dried leaves mixed with baking soda and use as carpet cleaner, use in a warm bath, or chew for a mouth freshener. Possibilities are endless my friends!

Personally I am excited about a festival I am working at this Saturday that I wanted to share about. It’s the Raw Experience III in Lansdale PA with Arnold’s Way. I will be teaching a fun partner Yoga class, giving shiatsu sessions, and teaching a raw food prep class. Yaay!

“It is not arrogant or egotistical to feel good inside. You had nothing to do with it. It’s simply the honest response to clearly perceived Reality.” ~ Erich Schiffman
